Engelberg Magazin 20/2021

In the last few months we have intensively researched, diligently written and creatively laid out exciting topics.

Engelberg Magazin

The 27th issue of the Engelberg magazine comes with a completely new "look and feel". 
Further highlights of the new year-round Engelberg Magazine are:

  • Lots of tour tips, links and recommendations
  • combined summer-winter edition
  • Amazing magazine binding and stylish cover

Want more?  The magazine is available at the Tourist Information and in all sports stores here in Engelberg or you can find the online version directly for reading. Have fun!

Read now


Alle weiterführenden Links vom Engelberg Magazin 20/21 findest du hier:
All further links from Engelberg Magazine 20/21 can be found here:

The unique weather of Engelberg

Video portrait of Christoph Bissig

Being head of the rescue and mountain safety services comes with great deal of responsbility, long work days, no small amont of pressure, and - sadly - some tragic moments. This impressive video shows what the job entails and portrays the passion with which the service's long standing head, Christoph Bissig, has carried out his work.

Watch now >>

The big five

Respect to Protect

Respecting wildlife in the natural outdoors:


A masterful performance

Watch Kili Weibel on our Youtube channel and get helpful tips and inspiration.

Watch now >>

Hay Days

To find out more about this ancient tradition, visit here:


Engelberg Blogs

Engelberg tells... 
Take a look behind the scenes of the monastery village in our blog and find out what's happening in and around Engelberg! 

To the blogs >>

Archive Engelberg Magazine

All Engelberg Magazine >>

Engelberg-Tilis on Youtube

Check out our Youtube channel >>